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BITAND() — Returns the mask of bits set in both of two BIGINT values


BITAND( value, value )


The BITAND() function returns the mask of bits set in both of two BIGINT integers. In other words, it performs a bitwise AND operation on the two arguments. The result is returned as a new BIGINT value — the arguments to the function are not modified.

The left-most bit of an integer number is the sign bit, but has no special meaning for bitwise operations. However, The left-most bit set to 1 followed by all zeros is reserved as the NULL value. If you use a NULL value as an argument, you will receive a NULL response. But in all other circumstances (using non-NULL BIGINT arguments), the bitwise functions should never return a NULL result. Consequently any bitwise operation that would result in only the left-most bit being set, will generate an error at runtime.


The following example writes values into two BIGINT columns of the table bits and then returns the bitwise AND of the columns:

$ sqlcmd
1> create table bits (a bigint, b bigint);
2> insert into bits (a,b) values (7,13);
3> select bitand(a,b) from bits;