Class ClientAffinityStats


public class ClientAffinityStats extends Object
Collect the client's opinion of the operation of client affinity.

Single-partition procedures

For the given partition id, affinityWrites and affinityReads track transactions that the client believes it knows the master for, and for which it has an active network connection.

rrWrites and rrReads reflect transactions routed using round-robin, which can happen if the client has no active connection to the partition master.

Multi-partition procedures

Multipartitioned procedures are treated as single-partition procedures, using the special partition id 16383.

Other cases

A statistics entry with partition id -1 is used when:

  • The client has not yet acquired partitioning data from the VoltDB server.
  • The procedure name is not yet known to the client, or does not exist in the catalog.
  • The application has failed to provide a value for the partitioning column.
  • The procedure is a 'compound procedure'; this type of procedure has no natural affinity to any one node.
  • Method Details

    • diff

      public static ClientAffinityStats diff(ClientAffinityStats newer, ClientAffinityStats older)
      Subtract one ClientAffinityStats instance from another to produce a third.
      newer - More recent ClientAffinityStats instance.
      older - Less recent ClientAffinityStats instance.
      New instance representing the difference.
    • clone

      protected Object clone()
      clone in class Object
    • getAffinityWrites

      public long getAffinityWrites()
      Get the number of writes that used affinity for this time period.
      The count as a long.
    • getRrWrites

      public long getRrWrites()
      Get the number of writes that used round-robin distribution for this time period.
      The count as a long.
    • getAffinityReads

      public long getAffinityReads()
      Get the number of reads that used affinity for this time period.
      The count as a long.
    • getRrReads

      public long getRrReads()
      Get the number of reads that used round-robin distribution for this time period.
      The count as a long.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object