Appendix D. VoltDB CLI Commands


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Appendix D. VoltDB CLI Commands

VoltDB provides shell or CLI (command line interpreter) commands to perform common functions for developing, starting, and managing VoltDB applications and databases. This appendix describes those shell commands in detail.

The commands are listed in alphabetical order.

Using CLI Commands with TLS/SSL

When TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption is enabled for the cluster external ports (that is, the client and admin ports, not just the httpd port), you must explicitly tell VoltDB CLI commands that interact with a running cluster to use TLS. The simplest way to do this, if you are using a certificate from an external certificate authority, is to include the --ssl flag on the command line. For example:

$ sqlcmd --ssl

Alternately, if you are using a locally generated certificate, you must specify an Java properties file that points to the trust store as an argument to the flag, like so:

$ sqlcmd --ssl=mytruststore.conf

The properties file verifies that the database server is passing credentials that you trust. That is, credentials that match the trust store you reference. The format of file is a Java properties files declaring two properties, one per line, that identify the trust store and trust store password:

trustStorePassword={trust-store password}

See Section 12.7, “Encrypting VoltDB Communication Using TLS/SSL” for more information on configuring TLS encryption on the external ports.