B.4. Network Options


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B.4. Network Options

The following properties specify what ports to use and the port-mapping protocol.

Table B.3. Options Starting with cluster.serviceSpec...

.adminNodePortPort to expose VoltDB Admin service on each node, type NodePort only31211
.adminPortEnabledEnable exposing admin port with the VoltDB servicetrue
.adminPortAdmin port number to be exposed on VoltDB service21211
.clientNodePortPort to expose VoltDB Client service on each node, type NodePort only31212
.clientPortEnabledEnable exposing client port with the VoltDB servicetrue
.clientPortClient port number to be exposed on VoltDB service21212
.dr.annotationsAdditional custom service annotations{ }
.dr.enabledCreate single DR service for DRfalse
.dr.externalTrafficPolicyVoltDB DR service external traffic policy""
.dr.ipFamiliesSelect IPv4/IPv6 protocols used by DR replication service[ ]
.dr.overrideAllows per-pod-service overrides of serviceSpec[ ]
.dr.publicIPFromServiceOperator will wait to get the public IP address from the service status set by Kubernetesfalse
.dr.replicationNodePortKubernetes service ports[ ].nodePort for VoltDB replication service on each node, type NodePort only. If -1 is specified, kubernetes will select a random unused port31555
.dr.replicationPortKubernetes service ports[ ].port for the VoltDB DR replication service5555
.dr.staticIPSingle static IP for DR service use when creating LoadBalancers single DR service``
.dr.typeVoltDB DR service type, valid options are ClusterIP (default), LoadBalancer, or NodePort""
.externalIPsList of IP addresses at which the VoltDB service is available[ ]
.externalTrafficPolicyVoltDB service external traffic policy (options Cluster, Local)Cluster
​.http​.sessionAffinityConfig​.clientIP​.timeoutSecondsTimeout override for http​.sessionAffinity=ClientIP10800
.http.sessionAffinitySessionAffinity override for the HTTP serviceClientIP
.kafka.annotationsAdditional custom Service annotations{ }
.kafka.availableIPs[ ]Available IPs and IP-ranges to use when creating LoadBalancers on a per-pod basis[ ]
​.kafka​.externalTrafficPolicyKafka service external traffic policy""
​.kafka​.publicIPFromServiceOperator will wait to get the public IP address from the service status set by Kubernetesfalse
.kafka.topicsNodePortNodePort for the kafka service when the service type is NodePort31092
.kafka.topicsPortKafka replication exposed Service port9092
.kafka.typeKafka service type, valid options are ClusterIP (default), LoadBalancer, or NodePort""
.loadBalancerIPVoltDB Load Balancer IP""
.loadBalancerSourceRangesVoltDB Load Balancer Source Ranges[ ]
.perpod.dr.enabledEnable DR services on a per-pod basisfalse
​.perpod​.dr​.externalTrafficPolicyVoltDB DR service external traffic policy for per pod DR services.""
.perpod.dr.ipFamiliesSelect IPv4/IPv6 protocols used by per pod DR replication services[ ]
​.perpod​.dr​.replicationPortKubernetes service ports[ ].port for the perpod VoltDB DR replication services5555
​.perpod​.dr​.startReplicationNodePortStarting Kubernetes service ports[ ].nodePort for perpod VoltDB replication service, type NodePort only. Sequential allocation from start. -1 means kubernetes will select a random unused port32555
.perpod.metrics.enabledEnables metrics k8s service for each podfalse
​.perpod​.publicIPFromServiceOperator will wait to get the public IP address from the service status set by Kubernetesfalse
.perpod.staticIPs[ ]Available IPs and IP-ranges to use when creating LoadBalancers on a per-pod basis[ ]
.perpod.typeVoltDB service type, valid options are ClusterIP (default), LoadBalancer, or NodePort""
.service.metrics.typeSets service typeClusterIP
.typeVoltDB service type (options ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer)ClusterIP
.vmcNodePortPort to expose Volt Management Center service on each node, type NodePort only31080
.vmcPortVolt Management Center web interface Service port8080
.vmcSecureNodePortPort to expose Volt Management Center secure service on each node, type NodePort only31443
.vmcSecurePortVolt Management Center secure web interface Service port8443
.perpod.metrics.enabledAllocates a metrics service per VoltDB cluster pod.false
.service.metrics.typeMetrics port service type (options ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer)ClusterIP