The following tables describe the metrics monitoring memory and CPU usage, including memory compaction triggered by Volt and garbage collection triggered by Java.
Table B.4. Memory, Compaction, and Garbage Collection
Metrics | Type | Description |
voltdb_compaction_execution_seconds | Histogram | The amount of time it took for compaction to complete. |
voltdb_compaction_fragmented_percent | Gauge | The current fragmentation percentage. |
voltdb_compaction_invoked_total | Counter | Number of times compaction was performed. |
voltdb_compaction_relocated_total | Histogram | The number of tuples relocated during compaction. |
voltdb_gc_count_total | Counter | The number of times garbage collection was performed. Tags:
voltdb_gc_time_seconds | Counter | Cumulative run time of garbage collection. Tags:
voltdb_memory_indexmemory_bytes | Gauge | The amount of memory in use for storing database indexes. |
voltdb_memory_javamaxheap_bytes | Gauge | The maximum heap size of the Java runtime environment. |
voltdb_memory_javaused_bytes | Gauge | The amount of memory allocated by Java and in use by VoltDB. |
voltdb_memory_nio_total_buffer_count_total | Gauge | An estimate of the number of buffers in the NIO pool. |
voltdb_memory_nio_total_size_bytes | Gauge | An estimate of the total capacity of all the buffers in the NIO pool. |
voltdb_memory_nio_used_bytes | Gauge | An estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for the NIO pool which resides outside the regular Java heap. |
voltdb_memory_physicalmemory_bytes | Gauge | The total size of physical memory on the server. |
voltdb_memory_pooledmemory_total | Gauge | The total size of memory allocated for tasks other than database records, indexes, and strings. |
voltdb_memory_rss_bytes | Gauge | The resident set size. That is, the total amount of memory allocated to the VoltDB processes on the server. |
voltdb_memory_stringmemory_bytes | Gauge | The amount of memory in use for storing string, binary, and geospatial data that is not stored in-line in the database record. |
voltdb_memory_tupleallocated_bytes | Gauge | The amount of memory allocated for the storage of database records (including free space). |
voltdb_memory_tuplecount_total | Gauge | The total number of database records in memory. |
voltdb_memory_tupledata_bytes | Gauge | The amount of memory in use for storing database records. |
voltdb_memory_undo_log_size_bytes | Gauge | - |
voltdb_memory_undo_pool_size_bytes | Gauge | The total size of memory allocated for the undo pool - memory used to store information needed to "undo" database changes if a transaction needs to rollback. |
Table B.5. CPU
Metrics | Type | Description |
voltdb_cpu_load_percent | Gauge | The percentage of CPU used by the database server process. 0-100. |