Class ClientStatsUtil


public final class ClientStatsUtil extends Object
Utility methods for use with ClientStats objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • ClientStatsUtil

      public ClientStatsUtil()
  • Method Details

    • writeSummaryCSV

      public static void writeSummaryCSV(ClientStats stats, String path) throws IOException
      Append a single line of comma-separated values to the file specified. Used mainly for collecting results from benchmarks.

      The format of this output is subject to change between versions. As of V11.0 there are 13 fields. The format is:

      1. Timestamp (ms) of creation of the given ClientStats instance, stats.
      2. Duration from first procedure call within the given ClientStats instance until this call.
      3. Count of invocations completed.
      4. Minimum round trip latency estimate.
      5. Maximum round trip latency estimate.
      6. 95-percentile round trip latency estimate.
      7. 99-percentile round trip latency estimate.
      8. 99.9-percentile round trip latency estimate.
      9. 99.99-percentile round trip latency estimate.
      10. 99.999-percentile round trip latency estimate.
      11. Count of invocation errors.
      12. Count of invocation aborts.
      13. Count of invocation timeouts.

      All times are given in milliseconds.

      stats - ClientStats instance with relevant stats
      path - path to write to, passed to FileWriter(String)
      IOException - on any file write error
    • writeSummaryCSV

      public static void writeSummaryCSV(String statsRowName, ClientStats stats, String path) throws IOException
      Write a single line of comma-separated values to the file specified. Used mainly for collecting results from benchmarks.

      The format of this output is subject to change between versions. See writeSummaryCSV(ClientStats, String) for the format.

      This variation on writeSummaryCSV inserts an initial column containing a user-specified string; this can be used to identify the row. Users should not use a mix of the two forms of writeSummaryCSV on the same file, since the format will be inconsistent.

      statsRowName - name to be inserted as first column
      stats - ClientStats instance with relevant stats
      path - path to write to, passed to FileWriter(String)
      IOException - on any file write error