The following properties affect how Helm interacts with the VoltDB cluster and specific initialization options, such as the initial schema and procedure classes.
Table B.4. Options Starting with cluster.config...
Parameter | Description | Default |
.auth.credSecretName | Name of the premade secret containing Operator admin username and password. This overrides auth.username and auth.password values and avoids including the password in yaml. | "" |
.auth.password | Operator admin password used to access VoltDB; required if security is enabled. Superseded by credSecretName when provided. | "" |
.auth.username | Operator admin user name used to access VoltDB; required if security is enabled. Superseded by credSecretName when provided. | voltdb-operator |
.classes | Map of optional jar files containing stored procedures | { } |
.licenseXMLFile | VoltDB Enterprise license file | { } |
.log4jcfgFile | Custom Log4j configuration file | { } |
.schemas | Map of optional schema files containing data definition statements | { } |
.usersSecretName | Name of pre-created Kubernetes secret containing users configuration, using key 'users.yaml'. If defined, no users should be specified in 'cluster.config.deployment'. | "" |