Command Line Interface

The voltsp command is a standalone tool for running and managing streaming pipelines on non-containerized, bare metal, or virtualized environments. Its basic usage involves invoking the voltsp command along with any necessary options and either specifying the pipeline class directly or referencing a configuration file that defines the pipeline.

Basic Usage

For example, to run a pipeline named com.acme.MyPipeline with a specified license file and configuration file:

voltsp -l /path/to/license.xml -c /path/to/config.yml com.acme.MyPipeline

For a full list of available options and their usage, run:

voltsp --help

Test Environment

Run the built-in pipeline named with a specified license file:

voltsp -l /path/to/license.xml

If everything is fine this example should start and print information:

License is OK
Java version is OK

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the VoltSP runtime:

Java and Classpath Configuration

  • JAVA_HOME - Path to Java installation (required if java is not in PATH)
  • CP - Additional classpath entries (use : as separator, append /* for directories):
  • export CP=/usr/home/streams/libs/*:/tmp/sample.jar
  • JAVA_OPTS - Additional options to pass to the Java runtime

Memory Configuration

  • HEAP_PCT - Heap size as percentage of available memory (default: 80.0)
  • HEAP_SIZE - Fixed heap size (e.g., "2G"). Overrides HEAP_PCT if set

Logging Configuration

  • LOG4J_PATH - Custom log4j2 configuration file path

Pipeline Code Location

VoltSP requires access to the user-defined pipeline classes before it can run the specified pipeline. To ensure your pipeline code is found, use one of these approaches:

  1. Set the CP environment variable to a specific JAR:
export CP=/path/to/mypipeline.jar
  1. Set the CP environment variable to a directory containing JARs:
export CP=/path/to/pipelines/*

Bash Completion

VoltSP includes a bash completion script for command-line convenience. To enable it temporarily:


To enable it permanently, add the above line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file.


  • Java 21 or later
  • Valid VoltSP license
  • Sufficient memory based on workload (configurable via HEAP_PCT or HEAP_SIZE)